Monday, May 20, 2024

Taking away basic rights in Western Australia

 I'm honoured that my opinion piece was quoted in the West Australian State Parliament by Hon Louise Kingston MLC.

The bill before State Parliament is truly a wolf in sheep's clothing.

It will affect all Western Australians, not just a few as the government would have us believe.

It will take away the right to remain silent and it will make licenses contingent upon a person's beliefs, attitudes, and views.

This is a truly horrible bill that winds back every democratic reform we've had since Magna Carta.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

New Gun Laws Will Impact Freedom of Speech and Thought

Free speech and freedom of thought are at the bedrock of our democratic society, so it is outrageous that the Bill could challenge them. 

"The Firearms Bill 2024 before Western Australia’s (WA) state Parliament is a wolf in sheep’s clothing that will violate the rights of all citizens. The Bill will effectively legislate away a person’s right to silence, and their property rights. It presumes guilt by association, discriminates on the basis of health or disability, and challenges the right to free speech and freedom of opinion."

"... the Firearms Bill’s Section 368 threatens any person with a fine if they do not “answer any question asked by a police officer under this Act.. this applies to all people, not only firearms owners, and would therefore, strip them of their right to silence."

"Section 150 allows the WA police commissioner to have regard to “the person’s views, opinions and attitudes. Free speech and freedom of thought are at the bedrock of our democratic society, so it is outrageous that the Bill could challenge them."

"In sections 148, 150, 153 and 399, the Bill also opens people to medical or disability discrimination. "

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Catching up with these great Australian women

It was an absolute honour to catch up with these great Australians,  Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price  and  Trish Botha - Liberal for the Se...